The number 13 seems to be our lucky number , at least it probably has influence on great events. Sepultura, Legion Of The Damned , Flotsam and Jetsam , as well as Mortillery are already a huge package of top-class bands. Only two months ago we were in London's Roundhouse with The Damned , in which case it was in fact the dreaded Friday the 13th – to top it all. Back to Berlin , because this review is dedicated to four great metal bands , who under the banner of Rock The Nation Touring the European cities - from Bochum to Eindhoven - will bring closer the doom.
The 12 year-old T4 of my long-haired companion pushed 5m ³ metal-filled air and of course also us from Berlin-Reinickendorf to Berlin -Tempelhof , the place where in the C-Club Berlin Mortillery, the Flots , Legion Of The Damned and Sepultura were supposed to play a little later. Our guess was confirmed quickly, it was packed and so nothing stood in the way of the befitting event. For this reason Mortillery could already look forward to plenty of metalheads in front of the stage. The classic Thrash Metal of the Canadians , who were founded in 2008, have enjoyed a growth in popularity for some time now. In the style of the early 80s thrash metal bands Mortillery was digging for a few songs through the undergrowth of the former cinema at Columbiadamm . The band was in high spirits and provided first twitches in the neck area . Frontwoman Cara barked at the microphone , as if there would be no tomorrow. Songs like " Murder Death Kill and Sacrifice ( both from the 2011 album ) and" No Way Out " from the 2013 album, are so incredible live and already loosened the first nails in the boards of the venerable stage. Mortillery was a worthy support, blustered at a very high level and made very clear to the audience that you can also expect the Thrash Metal cylinder from Canada in the future. Great Show!
Now it was getting exciting because Flotsam & Jetsam entered the arena of loud sounds. We have been looking forward to this! With the Flots, the line up of this tour had a real dinosaur of theThrash Metal scene in the luggage . Although the guys from Arizona had appeared live here and there in recent years, those were never extended tours . Label and lineup changes were all adverse circumstances , which made life for Flotsam & Jetsa very difficult. That’s why you had to pretty much do the splits to see your old heroes live . Anyway, the waiting came to an end. With the old '87 tour shirt on the bone, I enjoyed every song of the SPEED- & THRASH METAL icons. Evil tongues claim to have seen Sammy from Wolfs Moon in the audience who took the long journey from Helmstedt just to see Flotsam And Jetsam live. ( Flots Till Death! )
With "Me", the opening track of the huge `95 album "rift", it went into the first round. The Flots still seemed a bit tensed, but already at "Dreams Of Death" the situation relaxed and Eric AK as well as the rest of the "flotsam" took on full speed . It was followed by "Hammerhead" and "Iron Tears" from the first album "Doomsday For The Deseiver", accompanied by mega fat goose bumps of the authors writing mania of these lines. Those kept my direct neighbors on at least one meter distance. Truly unique! Admittedly, Flotsam & Jetsam had a hero bonus this evening, however, they also deserved it after all these years. The voice of Eric A.K. alone was probably worth the trip to the south of Berlin. The first heat generating rotations in front of the stage hinted that it wasn’t only us who liked it. Also "Escape From Within", which was the next song, comes from the overpowering album " No Place For Disgrace " . Flotsam & Jetsam had played themselves warm by now and their unconditional joy of playing therefore rendered more and more to the people on front of the stage. "Gittyup", a song from the album "Ugly Noise" with a cool groove in the soul should grant a small but excellent insight into the current work of the band. The song sounds even better live as on the preserve.
Eric's grip on the gladiator helmet, announced the song - how could it be otherwise - "I Live You Die". This is perhaps my absolute favorite song from the guys. The reason is possibly only because Flotsam & Jetsam 1988 stood out with this number from all other bands of their breed; an uncompromising thrash classic in the style of the 80s, which was left only rarely from the chain in this form. The song has lost none of its charm, even in 2014. The statement is clear and still transferable to many issues of today. I Live You Die! In front of the stage it was getting really warm before the Flots with the track "No Place For Disgrace " rang in their farewell for the evening. The first track of the eponymous album was the final one of today. On the final sprint the guys gave everything again, the mob went wild, melancholy before the end of the too-short show and ... done! However there was still one consolation, because Flotsam & Jetsam took advantage of the opportunity after their gig to attend an extensive signing session in front of the merch booth. Guys, you were great! Hope to see you soon again.
What followed now made our jaws fall to the ground. Legion Of The Damned gave the honor! The air in the C-Club became thicker, the crowds thronged towards the stage, a perfectly harmonized band with awesome sound brought the common metal folk to boil. You could hear commendatory words all over the crowd. Legion Of The Damned has earned, just for this reason, the success that they have fought piece by piece for since around 2006. A lot of their songs have, despite the high degree of hardness, a gigantic recognition value with exemplary severity. We want to put this out there and not talk it to death. Just one more thing, should the Legions someday play live near you, you have to check the unique massacre out. It 's worth it.
After a relatively long break, rebuilding, it was time for the Thrash Titans from far away Brazil. Hard to believe, but the interest in Sepultura is still very large , because contrary to my suspicions it was not getting empty, but instead really uncomfortably crowded and stuffy. Even in the photo pit it was crowded and so I was not able to move a single inch. 19 songs were now on the program! With "Trauma Of War" the South Americans started their concert routinely. Maybe it was because of the progressive way the Sepultura-guys were playing, but I think the sound of Legion Of The Damned was much better or at least more homogeneous mixed. The mood did not detract. Berlin celebrated Sepultura song by song but I still think the shows of the guys around Andreas Kisser are slightly different than they were in the past. Euphoria and enthusiasm were hardly noticeable anymore , but instead reverence and respect dominated the scenario. Rightly so, because Sepultura had to defend their place at the summit of metal after the split must be very hard. Surely they no longer make the sound of "Schizoiphrenia" or " Beneath The Rremains ", but a band is what they play live or play in a situation. Songs like "Inner Self" (Beneath The Remains), "Dead Embryonic Cells " (Arise) or Arise (Arise ) are still in the setlist of Sepultura. It definitely pleased the masses. The official part ended with the just mentioned song "Arise", although "Ratamahtta" and "Roots Bloody Roots" were the crowning glory. An intense, memorable evening went to the end.
Our conclusion: Thumbs up to the Canadians Mortillery who bravely fought in the face of this mega line-up. Our heart is for the Flots, who touched our souls with a way too short gig. A tribute to the legions of the damned who have blown away as a secret headliner. All our respect also goes Sepultura, who also proved in 2014 that is still long to be reckoned with.
Translation:Sandra Frei
Legenden, Helden, Vorbilder. Schon Genrationen vor uns feierten die "gefährlichste" Band der Welt. Mit ihren Skandalen, Drogen & Alkoholkonsumen machten GUNS' N ROSES nicht nur Schlagzeilen, sie wurden durch ihre Musik zu einer Art aggressivem Kult der 80er und 90er Jahre. Wer in dieser Zeit aufgewachsen ist, die Band vllt. das ein oder andere Mal live sah, weiß sicherlich, wovon ich spreche.
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